пятница, 19 июня 2020 г.

❤️ 084

♡ [Glam Affair] Alison Applier [ Genus ] 008

♡ EVIE - Beach Affair / Bikini - Top - Pareo /
Everything can be worn separately, the strings of the bikini can be changed of color separately as well!
Fits: Perky, Legacy, Maitreya, Hourglass, Freya
- 9 New Colors for bra, panties, top & pareo skirt
- Perky Size added for the bra
- New colors added on the first version of colors hud
- Single bikini colors hud has been updated with new colors for the strings + Perky bra size
- Fatpacks and Megapack has been updated including now all the colors (new and old) + Perky bra size

♡ EVIE - Love Style 
- Nuggets Bouquet (Wear)
- Nugget Stick 

♡ EVIE - Trendsetter Glasses

Hair - *barberyumyum*T11(FAT)(Unpacked)

вторник, 16 июня 2020 г.

❤️ 083

In this post I used Genus Head - Baby Face & Maitreya Body.

♡ Axix :: Mamiko Lingerie @ Fetish Fair ' 20

- Rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Hourglass
- Basic pack includes color change HUD (white, light blue, light pink, red and black) for collar/belt, ribbons & bows
- While Fatpack includes whole HUD to mix and match all parts in all colors plus extra ones. 

♡ Hair - #taketomiWEST